Revolution Nail Polish – Review

I love nail polish. Back when I was younger I had a cosmetic bag full of polishes I’d gotten on magazines or in pound shops. As I’ve gotten older, my collection has been paired down considerably. It now mainly consists of my trusty go to brand Barry M and a few rubbish Sleek ones (from last years Advent Calendar).

When Revolution released their long anticipated nail polishes, I knew I had to try a couple.

Revolution Neon Nail Polish “Zap-Tastic”

Revolution Neon Nail Polish “Zap-Tastic” – £4.00

The first polish I decided to pick up was from the Neon range. As the only neon green vegan polish I have encountered on the high street, it intrigued me. So much so, I didn’t even register that it was matte.

Matte nail polishes really aren’t my thing. I find they chip a lot easier and tend to look a bit streaky. Sadly, this polish really hasn’t changed my mind on that.

On first applying, it’s really thick and gloopy – almost like a polish you’ve had open for a few months. After applying two coats it dries down really quickly and the finish is pretty good.

Revolution Neon Nail Polish “Zap-Tastic” - Two Days Later

Two Days Later

However, after two short days, my nail looked a bit of a state. This polish peels and chips really bad. At the same price as my usual Barry M favourites, I was feeling underwhelmed. At this point I was completely ready to give up.

Being the stubborn person I am, I persevered and a few weeks later I used this polish again. This time I sealed in the polish with my trusty Barry M Wet Set Quick Dry Topcoat – £2.99. This did turn it into a shine finish (which I actually prefer) and miraculously it lasted 5-6 days! Result.

Revolution Halloween Skull Nail Polish “Monster”

Revolution Halloween Skull Nail Polish “Monster” – £4.00

Sometimes I’m a glutton for punishment, or maybe just a sucker for cute packaging, but I bought another one. I also seem to like green shades but whatever.

The Halloween collection is all really pretty and if I wasn’t trying to cut down, I could have bought the whole lot.

When first applying this polish, I was instantly struck by how similar it was in consistency to the Neon one. Thick and gloopy, it pretty hard to get a streak free finish – the massive brush doesn’t help either!

Revolution Halloween Skull Nail Polish “Monster” - Testing

Two coats gives great coverage and it’s touch dry in a matter of minutes. The colour is great, although it’s a weird mix between matte and shiny. The biggest problem I have with the polish is it’s really slow drying time. Like I said, it was touch dry in minutes but was still almost like a putty texture on my nails over 24 hours later.

Revolution Halloween Skull Nail Polish “Monster” - Four Days Later

Four Days Later

However, when it did dry it actually lasted really well. 5 days without a topcoat is pretty impressive – almost good enough to beat Barry M.


Overall, Revolution Nail Polish is a great addition to the drugstore. The colour range and selection is fab and the quality itself is better than most others in its price range. Being clearly labelled vegan is also a big plus.

While I won’t be rushing out to stock up on every option – if you’re after a particular colour, this is a pretty good purchase.


Sophie x

This post has been re-uploaded and edited from its original posting on the 30th September 2019.


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