Reusable Bamboo Cotton Pads – Review

Amazon – £8.99

We’re all trying to do our little bit to use less plastic. Straws were probably the first, easiest switch I’ve made – stainless steel ones being absolutely fantastic. But cotton pads, I honestly didn’t make the connection. I use maybe a pack a month, just throwing each one in the bin after use.

I’d heard about Reusable Cotton Pads awhile ago, but kind of pushed the idea to the side. I suppose I thought they would be a lot of hassle, or that the cost outweighed the benefits. I was probably just being stubborn! Having since discovered the error of my ways, I bought a pack.

Reusable Cotton Pads

Looking on Amazon, it can get really confusing with literally hundreds of products to choose from. There are many places you can buy cotton pads, I just chose Amazon for its ease of use and fast shipping. The price was pretty reasonable too.

Reusable Cotton Pads - Packaging

Cotton Pads Packaging:

The packaging is probably the biggest disappointment of buying Cotton Pads from Amazon. As well as coming in the plastic mailing bag that Amazon seem to be using at the moment 🤷‍♀️, the pads came in TWO plastic bags. There is absolutely no need for this and was really disappointing.

The pads come packaged in a cute little wash bag, which is perfect for keeping your used pads in before washing.

Reusable Cotton Pads - Review

In Use:

The pads are thick and luxurious feeling, which I really wasn’t expecting. One side is soft bamboo cotton, the other a microfibre style fabric – think cloths you buy for the kitchen.

Both sides feel soft and gentle on the face, which I find essential – especially on the delicate eye area.

Using them exactly as you would a normal cotton pad, you might be slightly disappointed. They soak up way more product and at first it feels like you’re using a lot more of your skincare. Not a great thing when Pixi Glow Tonic costs £18 for a regular sized bottle!

After using the cotton pads for a couple of weeks I found the best, most cost effective way of using them. Instead of soaking them like you would a traditional pad, it’s best to apply a small amount of product (like Micellar Water), use that, then reapply – and repeat until your whole face is cleansed.

Washed Reusable Cotton Pads


The most important part of Reusable Cotton Pads is the ability to wash them. Throwing the wash bag full of pads into the washing machine with a white wash is easy – they even survived the tumble dryer!

Stained Reusable Cotton Pads

Unfortunately, any with eye makeup stains didn’t wash so well! Although completely clean and sanitary, they have marks on them that just won’t wash out.

I’d seen reviews about this before, so it didn’t come as a shock to me. They are all still completely usable and not too much of a big deal.

Cotton Pads Verdict:

I surprised myself in how much I like these pads. Like I said at the start, I thought they would be a hassle and would end up as just another unused item in my beauty drawer – but it’s not a gimmick!

I mostly use Cotton Pads for cleansing and toning, which never really involves much mess. On the 1-2 time a week I wear makeup, I imagine I’ll use the same few stained pads over again.

Since buying these, I have seen black versions available – which would be a great option if the staining bothers you.

Overall, if you are trying to make plastic free, waste free switches, then Reusable Cotton Pads is an easy switch. Costing less than I thought and washable up to 1000 times, they might also save some money!

This isn’t my first time talking about less plastic in skincare – late last year I reviewed the Revolution Skincare Hyaluronic Acid and Under eye Serum.

Sophie x

This post has been re-uploaded and edited from its original posting on the 19th September 2019.


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