T-Zone Rose Gold Peel Off Mask – Review

£5.99 - Superdrug

Another blog post, another face mask review! I am, like most of the people reading this, addicted to face masks. Never really being a fan of a sheet mask (too much waste), I always stuck to the classic jar style. It was on a recent trip to Home Bargains that I saw this little beauty;

T-Zone Rose Gold Peel Off Mask

I’m a sucker for anything Rose Gold – to be honest anything Rose in general (I blame Beauty and the Beast), and at £1.99, I couldn’t leave it behind. Home Bargains isn’t generally somewhere I go for my beauty products, but when I recognised the brand I knew it would be Cruelty Free.

The packaging is slightly different to the one you can buy in Superdrug. The product itself is also 10ml smaller – but at £4 cheaper, this doesn’t bother me at all!

T-Zone Rose Gold Peel Off Mask - Packaging

Unfortunately the packaging is plastic – something I am personally trying to cut down on! There are also only about three to four uses in this packet, not very good when you compare this too their Pink Clay Mask, which is also in plastic but gives you plenty of uses.

T-Zone Rose Gold Peel Off Mask - Instructions

The instructions are pretty clear, although I must admit to not steaming my face before use. I did however cleanse with a micellar water.

In Use

Applying the mask was pretty easy, using my trusty plastic spatula (reusable and from Primark). Probably not best to do this with your fingers as I think you would end up in a sticky mess.

T-Zone Rose Gold Peel Off Mask - In Use

Looks wise, I was definitely expecting something a bit more wow! In normal light it’s much more of a pink mask than a Rose Gold, It did feel pretty comfortable on the skin but I wasn’t exactly impressed.

T-Zone Rose Gold Peel Off Mask - In The Sun

30 minutes later the mask had dried – and the sun came out!! Finally the mask was shiny and a pretty shade of Rose Gold. It was so shiny, I actually started to look like a Star Wars droid. As you can see on the bottom right of the picture, the mask had already started to peel on my upper lip. I think this was from laughing at how silly I looked.

The mask peeled off incredibly easy and I didn’t have to resort to using any warm water, there was also absolutely no pain – which I was kind of worried about. My skin underneath felt beautifully smooth and soft with no redness, even after a few days I could still see an improvement.

The Verdict

Overall, I would purchase this mask again – not at £5.99, but for £2 it’s a great addition to my masking rotor. The plastic issue is probably the deciding factor in buying more of this rather than the masks performance. It’s definitely going to be an occasional treat.


Sophie x

This post has been re-uploaded and edited from its original posting on the 25th June 2019.


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